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TTC After M/C
Are you trying to conceive after one or more miscarriages? How long did you (or will you) wait until TTC again? Who or what has been helpful to you during your difficult time: faith, the support of your partner/friends/families (or did you find them unable to relate?), others who you now found out also m/c'd...

Trying again after a 5 week miscarriage.

Posted by: MommyOfOneTTC on Tue May 12, 2009
I am a mom of a 2 1/2 year old boy, Brayden. Last July we started to try for our second child, but after 5 months decided to take a break for the holidays. That happened to be the month that we conceived. So I guess it's true that when you are really trying, it doesn't always work your way.

In January of this year I started bleeding and talked to my OB lady. She told me it's fine as long as it doesn't get to a period like flow with clots. Well, it did. I woke up one morning and something just told me to go to the ER. I woke my husband up crying, told him what I thought was happening and took myself to the ER. They did an external and internal ultrasound and didn't find anything. My hcg level was only at 9 and I was 5 weeks. I was told I'm having a threatened miscarriage.

I went home and read up about it and thought my chances were good since 50% turn out to be just fine. My friend had one and delivered a baby. My other friend had one and she's about due. So I got my hopes up only to be disappointed when I had my follow up. My levels went down to 4, so they didn't need to do an ultrasound. I took it pretty good in the hospital and told them I didn't need any counseling. I was crying walking out of the hospital as I passed pregnant women and babies.

I waited for my body to go through two cycles to begin trying again. Now I'm irregular, so I'm checking my CM to see if I'm ovualting or not.
Overall Relate Rating: 4 Ratings


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