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You, TTC, and Your Partner
Your Trying to Conceive partner is, of course, there physically. Is he also emotionally supportive, especially if you get a BFN when you hoped this would be the month? Is he open to on-going TTC related talk when you want/need it?

Sperm trouble

Posted by: mombritni on Sun Aug 30, 2009
ok, me and my husband have a wonderful 3 year old little boy (so we know we can have kids, it happend before with no planning or trying). We have been TTC for 14 months, but truly we have not been preventing for about 2 1/2 years. We finally got his sperm tested and they say he has normal sperm count and normal motility, but the morphology is a little off (this is the shape of the sperm) which is preventing the sperm from penetrating my egg. I found out the news and we made a few changes, but he has no insurance, so he can't afford to go to the urologist like the Gyno suggested, so I am feeling very blah..I feel like it doesn't matter because nothing will help and it takes three months for sperm to mature and develop to be used, so the earliest any of the changes we are making would possibly help would be three months from now and I am so upset, I wanted to be pregnant by now, I don't want our son to be 4 or 5 before we have another baby! Anyone understand or have advice for me...
Overall Relate Rating: 2 Ratings


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