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Conception Ambiguities
Anyone else experiencing this too? BFN pregnancy test when AF still hasn't shown, keeping you guessing: am I pregnant or not?! Along with symptoms that make you think you're pregnant where you can't decide: am I hoping too hard...or are these for real pregnancy symptoms?

Uterine Twinges

Posted by: Renee1234 on Fri Jun 25, 2010
So its 8 pm now and since around noon I've had what I call twinges or little pains in my uterine area. I think I'm about 8dpo, but I only did bbd one time this cycle, but I think it was on the day around ovulation. I was reading about these twinges and endometriosis and fibriods and fallopian pregnancy came up. Also, I've had a horrible depression come over me in the past few days, which also could mean preggo, but also is attached to the endo or fibriod things too. Any insights on this?

Oddly and good ...I have a pelvic ultrasound on Monday b/c my doctor wants to rule out pcos. So I'm hoping that will really tell me something on Monday. For now though, I'd really love to get some of your input. Thank you very very much.
Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings


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