Cycle Perplexities
Is your cycle misbehaving? Like your
usual N-day menstrual cycle is all of a sudden
longer or shorter, or you're spotting where AF should be here in full force, or
PMS symptoms but no sign of AF? And has it got you thinking (...pregnant?), or
generally confused or stressed or time to call the OB/Gyn?
CycleView your cycle!
Posted by:
on Feb 10, 2010
Cycle Perplexities
Last proper AF October 2009 - what is wrong with me??
Hi Ladies...
Can you help shed any light, as I'm super confused!?
I stopped taking BC in May 2009 and had regular AFs since then of about 29 day cycles. That was up until Ocober 2009.
My last 'proper' AF was 31st October 2009. After waiting 7 weeks, numerous neg HPTs and bloods, I had 2 days of extremely light spotting over Xmas 2009- which is nothing like my normal AF (I normally have much heavier bleed for 4-5 days).
Since Xmas I have been extremely bloated, grouchy, extremely tired, suffered discomfort in my lower abdomen, etc.
I should have had my next AF around 29th January 2010 - but nothing. Now the 10th February and still nothing! This means I haven't really had a 'proper' bleed for 12 weeks!!!
I feel really yucky! Wondered of any ladies had suffered anything similar? Should I visit my doctor again, or am I just going insane - alhtough after the disgusting way I was treated by my doctor, back at Xmas when I went in for bloods, I'm not keen!
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Posted by:
on Feb 5, 2010
Cycle Perplexities
should i be confused or excited?
I started my period on Jan,18th... lasting a normal 5 days. Im trying for a lil girl, so I begin tracking for my ov days. But I began spotting 10 days after the last day of my period that lasted for 3 days and then stoped. Ovulation spotting is said to be light and barely noticable.... so why did i spot 3 days during the time I was supose to ovulate? Implantation bleeding would explain it better but the spotting occured to soon for it to be that... or am I wrong? Im confused and refuse to take a test until the 15th of this month... HAS ANYONE EXPERIENCED THIS OR DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY INFO....
Posted by:
on Feb 2, 2010
Cycle Perplexities
mirena confusion and ttc
So I had my mirena put in 6 weeks after giving birth to my daughter in march of 08. Right around Christmas I started spotting and cramping for 3 weeks though never had an af before while on iud. I decided to have it removed so that we could start ttc our 2nd. Spotted the day of removal (1/21) and I'm pretty sure I ovulated the week before. Still no af though. How long before I go back to normal? I took a test just to be sure and got bfn. My husband works out of town 2 weeks then home 1 on a rotating schedule and we really want to get pregnant asap so that our dd isn't too much older than our #2.
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Posted by:
on Jan 27, 2010
Cycle Perplexities
Pregnancy/period concerns??
Hello, I had the Mirena IUD for a year, had it taken out a couple days before Christmas. My obgyn told me to use extra forms of bc for the first month of going on the bc pill. Three days before removal of the iud, hubby and I bd'd. Didn't realize I could get pregnant having the mirena removed three days after since sperm can live for days after. I ended up getting my first period on December 29th, which was light to medium flow and lasted 4-5 days. I continued the next pack of BC pills the sunday after that period. Day 28 was when I should have started my period, today is day 29 still no period. Im worried because I had a sudden increase in breast size (no tenderness), appetite has gone through the roof, and my legs from knees down have cramped constantly over the last three days. Also, the biggest reason im worried is because I did miss one pill on about day 14, but took it when I took the next days dose since that is when I realized I hadn't taken it. Can I get preggers from missing one pill even though I still took it 24 hours later? Also, could I have still had a period if I got pregnant when my mirena was removed? I have always had a very regular schedule especially while on the pill my period would come on day 28 like clockwork, now Im worried because it is day 29 and no period. I have two lovely children ages 2 and 3, was not planning on a third for a few years.
Posted by:
on Jan 26, 2010
Cycle Perplexities
Cycle day 45?!?!?! What the?
I was on the BCP for several years. I stopped taking it this past July, a month before my wedding. My first three cycles after stopping were 28-30 days. Now I have been having 40+ day cycles for the last several months. I am currently on cycle day 45. I just saw my gyn and he did a pelvic exam and ultrasound...100% normal. He said he thinks I am not ovulating yet...what h-e-double hockey sticks!?! I thought your cycles regulated after 3 months? He suggested that I wait SIX more months and if I am still having super long cycles he will check my progestin levels and if need be prescribe Clomid. I am otherwise a healthy 28 year old and have never had an abnormal gyn test of any kind. Why are my cycles so wonky all of a sudden? Has anyone else experienced this? VERY frustrating when trying to conceive!!!!
Posted by:
on Jan 26, 2010
Cycle Perplexities
disturbing menstruation color
okay, ive never seen this before during my period. for the past 2 days (25th & 26th) ive noticed an alarming color on my pad. my period is super light to the point that im not even wearing a pad, just pantyliners but ive noticed the blood is dark, and i do mean DARK brown. i dont even know if it is blood. maybe discharge but it doesnt look like neither. is this normal? should i talk to my doctor or am i okay? what could this be?