Cycle Perplexities
Is your cycle misbehaving? Like your
usual N-day menstrual cycle is all of a sudden
longer or shorter, or you're spotting where AF should be here in full force, or
PMS symptoms but no sign of AF? And has it got you thinking (...pregnant?), or
generally confused or stressed or time to call the OB/Gyn?
CycleView your cycle!
Posted by:
on Mar 5, 2012
Cycle Perplexities
A little confused
I've recently stopped taking my birth control and am still waiting for my period to regulate. I'm trying to better understand my body by checking my cm and cervix. I just feel confused because my lower back has been hurting but I don't have any off my other pms symptoms such as tender breasts and I don't think I ovulated. Is it possible that I'm having an anovulatory month? I would appreciate some input
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Posted by:
on Feb 26, 2012
Cycle Perplexities
early ovulation
Having a very wierd cycle. My cycle is typically 28-29 days, and I have had a hard time figuring out when I ovulate. So I decided to start taking my bbt, and invested in a saliva ovulation test. All the opks I had been using kept coming up negative. However, in the past I O'D usually around day 15. So this month my temp spikes and so I decided to try out the saliva test. I had all kinds of ferning on day 8!!!! I cannot figure out why I O'd so early? Any theories as to why my ovualtion day would come so early?
Posted by:
on Feb 22, 2012
Cycle Perplexities
68-Day Cycle......What's Going On?!
Hello :)
I'm twenty-three years old, married for three years. We've had two confirmed miscarriages, two suspected within the course of our marriage due to differing rH factors (which makes the possibility of carrying full term, resulting in a healthy baby practically impossible). Anyway, my cycles are normally 39-ish days. LMP was 12/17/2011; I'm on day 68 of my cycle. DH and I had sex on 01/19. My boobs are heavy, I'm dizzy,and I haven't taken a pregnancy test because with my first two pregnancies, a positive did not show up until 10 weeks AFTER my LMP. I know that the possibility is slim, but......I was kinda hoping that it would have worked this time because I'm not sure that we're going to try again. My question is: has this happened to anyone else? Cycles being not-exactly-normal, but with a positive result? Hope this makes sense.
Posted by:
on Feb 8, 2012
Cycle Perplexities
Spotting 3 weeks
I've had my period (or whatever it is) for 3 weeks straight. Just spotting brown. I have polycystic overys, could it be that?
Posted by:
on Jan 13, 2012
Cycle Perplexities
cervical positions... do you checked yours?
has anyone ever used your cervical position to determine fertility? i know it goes along with what your cervical mucus is doing and bbt but just wondered if anyone charted that as well?
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Posted by:
on Dec 19, 2011
Cycle Perplexities
Cramping on CD 13 & 14??
I recently came off the pill in November of 2011. The first cycle off, I noticed a little bit of cramping around the middle of my cycle which I assumed was ovulation maybe? Now, low and behold its doing it again, but almost all day for 2 days. Is that still ovulation occuring? When I researched it, it said if its ovulation, then it should be one sided and its both sides, does that mean both sides are ovulating or just my body adjusting to being off the pill?
I'm pretty lost so any input would help! Its been awhile since I've used the cycleview boards but they have been helpful in the past so I am hoping someone can help me out again! Thanks!!