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Anyone in my TTC phase?
Where are you right now in your fertility cycle? Follicular Phase (pre-ovulation)? Ovulation/Fertile Days? Two Week Wait (a.k.a. Luteal Phase)? Or dealing with AF's un-wanted arrival? Cycleview your TTC phase, see who's in your cycle boat.
Anyone have a STRANGE period. Only 2 days, not usual 7 days!
I have been TTC since Nov. It's never taken me longer than 3 months to get pregnant, so it's hard not to get anxious. I had a very obvious ovulation in Jan. and made sure to do our part! :o) So I was sure it would work this month! So far, no good. I had a negative test. But had a really strange period. I usually have an extremely heavy flow and my period lasts for a full 7+ days. This time it started with a medium flow, lasted 2 days, stopped, then started again but continued with just 2 days of light spotting. What is that??? I did have a period when I was pregnant with my first but I don't remember what it was like, heavy or not.
I was due to start on the 18th, but started on the 14th of Feb. Never been that early! But still testing negative. I have no other pregnancy symptoms and I have no idea what happened to my period this month.
Anyone else experience anything like this in the past or in the same boat!
Argh. If I'm not pregnant I hope this doesn't affect this months ovulation!
Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings
TTC and coffee??
Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings
Going to try Instead Softcup for fertility
I am currently CD26 and hoping AF doesn't come but have my doubts; thinking about trying this next month...
Overall Relate Rating: 0 Ratings
9/10 dpo, globus sensation, mood swings
Anyone 9/10 dpo? I am having a globus (lump in the throat) sensation. It feels like at any moment I could gag and/or throw up. I am also very emotional. Having worried feelings/sad feelings. Am also having a bloated feeling/feeling very fat. Of course I have tested a bunch of times and I know it's too early. I work from home and feel like my brain is so clouded. I don't know if this all could be because of early pregnancy or just the globus acting up. It wouldn't be out of the ordinary for me to have the globus, because I've had it before with an ulcer and have always had heartburn issues. I'm feeling very alone in my world, too. Working at home and being snowed in basically is not helping. I'd love to have some feedback on this. Thank you
Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings
AF, go away for a few months...
Overall Relate Rating: 0 Ratings
I am 3/4DPO and stomach hurting..could it be?
I am 3/4 dpo and am "trying." I always take a nexium equivalent because I've had trouble with heartburn/stomach problems and that usually takes care of any problems I have. This morning I took it and have felt a little different all day. Now, I just had to pop a rolaid because my stomach is feeling not so good. I'm also having a little cramping. Could it be?
When is the soonest I can take a pregnanct test? If I went to a doctor's office and got a blood test would they be able to detect anything?
Overall Relate Rating: 0 Ratings