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Conception Ambiguities
Anyone else experiencing this too? BFN pregnancy test when AF still hasn't shown, keeping you guessing: am I pregnant or not?! Along with symptoms that make you think you're pregnant where you can't decide: am I hoping too hard...or are these for real pregnancy symptoms?
Don't know if Im pregnant or if Something else is wrong?
Overall Relate Rating: 5 Ratings
Nausea won't go away..could it be?
Overall Relate Rating: 2 Ratings
Crazy AF
You sound like you all could be me. We have been ttc 1 year. I am on a 26.5 day cycle. I had active unprotected ic last and this month I felt mid-cycle pain 2 different times separated by several days. I am going on day 4 of no AF this month.
Last month I had a really short cycle followed by spotting.I have never before spotted in my whole life. I took a clear blue digital test yesterday and it was negative. I have a dull lower backache, tender breasts, irritable, cramping, what feels like fluttering in my uterus and today a light pink tinge on the tp. (tmi!) I am craving water and protein. The odds are against me as I will be 45 this month. I have 3 children but due to my husband's death and now a remarriage I desperately want a son with my new husband who has no children. Due to intense grieving and ending my bcp at the same time AF went wild and crazy. I was on bcp for many years. I have begun to believe that maybe there is no way but a miracle and now I don't know what to think about my body. I can not explain anything as I have been somewhat normal for 9 months on my cycle start time within 6 hours+/-. Waiting is driving me crazy. I have thought I was before and was not in the last year.
Overall Relate Rating: 0 Ratings
late period negative tests.
My period is now 6 days late. I have a 28 day cycle and I have never been this late before. I know the exact day we had sex and I was ovulating that day. I have taken 3 pregancy tests at home since being late and they have all been negative! I don't know what the heck is going on. I keep thinking, did I calculate my period wrong this month? did it actually start a week later than I think it did and I'll be getting my period tomorrow? I can't figure it out... I'm pretty sure I didn't calculate wrong though, so what else could it be other than being pregnant?
It seems that if I did not calculate wrong.. then all the signs are pointing to pregnancy.. I've been having some symptoms such as tender breasts, peeing a lot more and I also have slight cramping/lower back ache.. sort of like I'm going to be starting my period but it hasn't come yet and I've felt like that for the past 4 days now.
I don't know.. what do you guys think? should I just wait another week and test again? if it's negative again at the end of another week and still no AF then I think I'll have to get a blood test to see what's really going on in there.
I just wish my period would hurry up and come.. or that I'd test positive! Urgh.. I've now gotten myself all excited about the possibility of pregnancy and if AF does come within the next few days I'll be really disappointed. :(
Overall Relate Rating: 6 Ratings
Help I'm so confused.
Overall Relate Rating: 0 Ratings
Aunt!!! there is not Flo!!!!
Overall Relate Rating: 2 Ratings