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Cycle Perplexities
Is your cycle misbehaving? Like your usual N-day menstrual cycle is all of a sudden longer or shorter, or you're spotting where AF should be here in full force, or PMS symptoms but no sign of AF? And has it got you thinking (...pregnant?), or generally confused or stressed or time to call the OB/Gyn? CycleView your cycle!
Odd Cramping 2 days post Ovulation
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Really weird cycles
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To test or Not to test??!!
So my cycle went from 28 to a 30 day about 4 mths ago, needless to say this mth has been awful I'm so sick and tired all the time.
I went to the OBGYN yesturday for a check up, and that was also suppose to be my day 1 of my period but it didn't come and the Dr. Said it didn't look like it was going to start, they didn't do a preg test cause they thought it was to early! Does anyone think I should take one now or wait till the weekend?
Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings
what do they test urine for
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period cramps but no period
At 10/11dpo (24th and 25th feb) I experienced some mild cramping only on one side of my pelvis. it would come and go and was uncomfortable but completely bearable. Then on the 26th i started spotting some brown/black and some bright red, but very little. Barely enough to stain a pantyliner. The 27th was a repeat of the 26th. Two days of spotting for me is completely par for the course. Usually by the 3rd day though AF shows. She might still show her face today but so far she hasn't (though it's still early).
The thing that is freaking me out, is that I had a horrendous period cramp this morning. It was so bad it woke me up. I got out of bed to take a Tylenol and check my pad for AF completely expecting to see her there. But nothing! I don't get it. I have NEVER EVER experienced this kind of cycle before. Should I be worried? I am now 3 days late (which in and of itself is not completely abnormal). But what's up with the all the cramping and her not showing completely? Anyone experienced anything like this?
Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings
Late period, not pregnant?
I was on the Microgynon contraceptive pill but when I had my last period, I stopped taking it to get back into my natural cycle as I was considering changing to another form of contraceptive. I had my last period around 6 weeks ago, roughly around 14th January, but I have yet to have my period for February.
My boyfriend and I are always very careful and we use a condom as well as the contraceptive pill, and I ensure I take it at the right time each day. We have only had sex once or twice since my last period as I was getting a little worried when I realised I was late.
I have been feeling all the symptoms which usually tells me my period is about to come but no sign of it yet! I did have some spotting around the time I should have had my period but it did not happen.
I am very worried now as I have been experiencing these symptoms for around a week but my period still hasn't came. I really doubt I am pregnant, and I have read on the internet that it is sometimes normal for your period to be late when you come off the pill, but I have never been this late before.
I would really appreciate any advice and words of wisdom anyone might be able to share!
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