You, TTC, and Your Partner
Your Trying to Conceive partner is, of course, there physically. Is he also emotionally
supportive, especially if you get a BFN when you hoped this would be the month? Is he open to on-going TTC related talk when you want/need it?

Posted by:
on Nov 14, 2007
You, TTC, and Your Partner
Husband is so excited, Im having Doubts
My Husband and I have been married for about a year and a half. I did not want kids right away due to the fact that I just wanted "US" time for the first year or so of our marriage. He has wanted kids since the day we got married. We are both only 22, getting our careers started, thinking of buying a home and getting financially settled. We have been trying now for the past 6 months and its seems like it will never happen. Every month I have been quick to jump the gun and take 3-4 pregnancy tests within a weeks time. And every 29 days my period comes around. It has now been 35 days and I am terrified to take a pregnancy test. My husband came home from work last night with a bag full of 5 different pregnancy tests, but I was too scared to take them. I have all the support in the world from the husband and yet Im terrified to become a mother right now. I know my husband and I will make great parents..but is this the way I should be feeling? I am currently 6 days late, and my husband is jumping for joy and Im just thinking that I wanted more time with my husband before we jumped into have a family. Is this selfish?
Posted by:
on Oct 20, 2007
You, TTC, and Your Partner
frustrated, worried, about TTC
i was so hoping this time my husband and i would concieve. we attempted it on 10-18 days. but im already getting cramps so i think im going to get my period. i'm so frustrated i don't even feel like trying anymore. we've been TTC since march-8 months now. also to add more to my frustrations both of my sister in laws are pregnant on their second child. one of them is having her baby next month. the other just found out. i don't know what we're doing wrong or if there is something wrong with me/us. this month, i will definitley see the doctor. my husband doesn't really want to go but as soon as i go i think its only fair he goes as well. i was hoping it would sooner and we wouldn't have to go through this.
Posted by:
on Oct 15, 2007
You, TTC, and Your Partner
Great Hubby, Just No Baby...
I could not ask for a better husband when it comes to TTC. I mean, he trys all the stupid things I ask him to without hesitation and is there emotionally for me every month when we get the thing we dread the most, my period. His semen analysis came back abnormal...we go in later this week to see what is wrong. He is just heartbroken that it might be his fault we haven't conceived. He is going to make a tremendous father, just seeing the way he is around children breaks my heart because I think he wants one just as much if not more that I do.
Posted by:
on Oct 5, 2007
You, TTC, and Your Partner
Alone, TTC
Sadly to say my dh is not there for me emotionally and i feel very alone in TTC which is bad, I know, since there's two of us here. It's making me rethink him completely because if he's not supportive now before we have a baby what kind of a father is he going to be and how much help is he going to be? I'm exhausted by being a onesome in this twosome. The really weird thing is that he sits glued to the tube watching the family guy cartoon and doesn't seem interested in starting our family. :(
Posted by:
on Oct 5, 2007
You, TTC, and Your Partner
You, TTC, and Your Partner Response by AHF
My DH very much wants to be a father. We chat about everything, including our TTC journey. We haven't been trying for long so I don't get too stressed out with the BFN. Our problem is we're so tired from work, it can sometimes be a chore to BD when the time comes.
Posted by:
on Oct 2, 2007
You, TTC, and Your Partner
Me and my Husband
I would have to say that my husband and I really want a baby. But it seems like he doesn't ever talk about when is it a good time to concieve. Only I start the conversation and he'd just agree to everything. There were times before where I told him I was very ovulated but later on, he "so-call" forgot to do it. He doesn't really talk about trying to do it every other day. It seems like I'm more committed to trying to concieve. It's been almost a year since we have been trying.