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TTC - To Say or Say Not?
While Trying to Conceive, have you found others (even people you barely know) asking prying questions or offering unsolicited advice? Do you think they mean well and just don't think, or are they being meddling and/or on the rude side? Do you respond, ignore it, brew over it all night...?

trying or not?

Posted by: mbtha on Thu Apr 24, 2008
WOW! I was reading some of the posts, I can relate to alot of you. my husband and I are trying, but not. We aren't doing anything to stop a pregnancy. I have a friend that suggested standing on my head, another suggested every other day. Who has the energy for every other day? When we were really, trully nearly every other day, we started bickering and it became work. At the first sign of illness, nausea, stress, "are you preg?" Now I don't know if we are trying or not, we do but we aren't regular. If that makes any sense what so ever!
Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings


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