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TTC - To Say or Say Not?
While Trying to Conceive, have you found others (even people you barely know) asking prying questions or offering unsolicited advice? Do you think they mean well and just don't think, or are they being meddling and/or on the rude side? Do you respond, ignore it, brew over it all night...?

You can't even support yourself!!!

Posted by: Shaye on Sat Apr 26, 2008
My husband and I have decided to ttc in July for our first baby. It's taken us YEARS of planning to decide on a month and year, so this is really special for us. I HATE when our friends ask us when we're gonna start trying and why have we waited so long. We waited so we could buy a house, buy 2 cars, and become more stable as a newly married couple. We didn't want to throw a child in the mix if we weren't fully stable, but it seems like my friends don't understand that at all. They're having kids like it's going outta style and now they can't take care of themselves. It's hard hearing advice from people that can't even support themselves, so I just let it come in one ear and out the other. We haven't told anybody that we plan on TTC in July, so for now I'll just grit my teeth and bare it.
Overall Relate Rating: 5 Ratings


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