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SAHM or Working Mom?
Did you (or will you) stop working and be a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM)? Why or why not? Any regrets in your decision, like do you find yourself wanting to go back to work, or in the middle of a meeting do you wish you were home instead? What would you tell other mom-to-bes who are considering being a SAHM - do it or not?

Part Time Plan

Posted by: pugmom on Wed Jul 16, 2008
I am trying to conceive our first child and I will most likely work part-time. I worked in early childhood ed for many years and I decided that I do not want my child to spend 40+++ hours a week with someone that is not part of our family. I currently work for a family business, as does my husband. I plan to take some time off and then work 2-3 days a week. My mother is certainly willing to take on some child-care responsibilities (the pressure is on to produce a grandchild) and I would love to find a quality daycare that I can use on a part-time basis. That's my plan, but as we all know its all up in the air until it actually happens. My husband gets very nervous about finances, but fortunately the other men in the family are very supportive of SAHM/SAHW's.
Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings


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