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SAHM or Working Mom?
Did you (or will you) stop working and be a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM)? Why or why not? Any regrets in your decision, like do you find yourself wanting to go back to work, or in the middle of a meeting do you wish you were home instead? What would you tell other mom-to-bes who are considering being a SAHM - do it or not?

My view on being a SAHM

Posted by: momoftwoboys on Wed Jan 7, 2009
I did stop working outside the home when our first son was born and I have been home for a little over 4 years now but I am very careful not to judge those who are working. My husband and I always knew that was what we wanted to do and we were able to make the budget sacrifice and still put food on the table and a roof over our heads. It has not been easy-- neither decision is really-- but I wanted to be home instead of having someone else raise them. There are many days I would love to go back to work but I don't think that would make the challenge any easier. The most important thing for me is setting boundaries with the kids so I have mommy time and they have time with me too (but it is not easy). We have to have outside activities so we can both socialize and there are many days I am ready to go back to work. I need that support. I also have to spend time with the Lord and read my bible and have prayer time so I can recharge. Otherwise I will snap. It has been a growing experience and just like with any growth, it can be painful but it is worth it. I would recommend it to anyone and find a way to make it work for you. It may not look like the family next door but your children will be happy to have you home. My mom worked as long as I can remember and I missed her not being at home, even when I was in high school. She did not have to be perfect and I knew she loved me, I just wanted her to be there when I left for school and when I got home.
Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings


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