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SAHM or Working Mom?
Did you (or will you) stop working and be a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM)? Why or why not? Any regrets in your decision, like do you find yourself wanting to go back to work, or in the middle of a meeting do you wish you were home instead? What would you tell other mom-to-bes who are considering being a SAHM - do it or not?

Worker Bee

Posted by: mishyb on Mon Jan 26, 2009
I'm a working mom, full time out of the house. In an ideal world for me, I'd be able to stay at home full time, or do something part time to get me out of the house.
Since we live in an area of extremely high housing prices, we both needed to keep working or chose to live in a small apartment with a long commute for my husband's job.
We purchased our home last year in a good neighborhood close to our employers. We have a great yard and friends close by. My son goes to a sitter just a couple miles from my office, and we're just about 15 minutes from home this way.
I am fortunate that my employer values family and allows me a great deal of flexibility to take care of my son. As he gets older and is joined by siblings, (?!?!!) I'll be able to do the field trips and class parties my mom always did for me. The bonus is my son will have the stability of a permanent home he might not have had living in an apartment, and we are able to save for college and retirement.
Overall Relate Rating: 3 Ratings


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