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Menstrual Cramp Solutions
What's your solution for menstrual cramps?
Posted by:
on Jan 17, 2007
Menstrual Cramp Solutions
Yes To Drugs!! Midol That Is.
For Me The First Day Is The Worst, So I Take MIDOL. Never Tryed The Heat Pads Tho... But Midol's Fine For Me.
Overall Relate Rating: 9 Ratings
Posted by:
on Jan 17, 2007
Menstrual Cramp Solutions
I use Heat
Since I started taking a birth control pill my cramps have gotten much worse, I mean crying because it hurts so much. PIlls have never helped me so I don't even bother with them anymore. However, I bought myself a plug in heating pad for when I am laying in bed. It is a special one that wraps around my waist with velcro, it's made for the back but I just turn it around, it's great. If I have to leave the house I use the Thremacare heat pads. They work wonderful. I wish that I could find a pain pill that works better then the over the counter ones, does anyone get something from their doctor for cramps or the situation as a whole?
Overall Relate Rating: 14 Ratings
Posted by:
on Jan 17, 2007
Menstrual Cramp Solutions
A little TLC
I usually take a 800 mg Motrin tablet and have my partner massage my lower back. This works wonders!
Overall Relate Rating: 9 Ratings
Posted by:
on Jan 17, 2007
Menstrual Cramp Solutions
Ibuprofen helps my menstrual cramps
Usually my menstrual cramps are on the mild side, but about twice a year they're bad. It's like this little old punching match is going on inside. A few years ago I had heavy flow and unbearable cramps and called my gynecologist from work. She told me to use ibuprofen to both lessen the menstrual cramping and also the flow and to follow the dosage indicated on the label. I went right out to the drugstore and got it and it worked really well for me then, and since.
Overall Relate Rating: 9 Ratings
Posted by:
on Jan 16, 2007
Menstrual Cramp Solutions
Herbal teas
I go caffeine free just before and during my period. But warm liquids always helps and I substitute regular tea & coffee with herbal teas.
Overall Relate Rating: 10 Ratings
Posted by:
on Jan 16, 2007
Menstrual Cramp Solutions
Adjust my diet pre-menstruation helps
I try to make adjustments to what I eat about a week before my period is due to start, like cutting out salt and excess caffeine, and switch-over to more calcium based products, fruits and veggies. This has really helped a lot, and I've found that my cramps are milder than they used to be. If I need to take something, it's usually ibuprofen. The other goody in my menstrual cramp solution bag is stretching and yoga.
Overall Relate Rating: 21 Ratings
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