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First Period Experience
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different or more positive experience, and, if so, how?
my 1st period
Posted by:
on Wed Oct 24, 2007
My 1st period experienced happened when I was in Junior High (7th) and I was 13 yrs old. Sitting in my chair, talking to one of guy friends (really just a friend), I started to feel something squishy in the seat of my pants!! So I raised my hand to ask my teacher if I could be excused to the restroom. Of course she told me no because I had just went 20 minutes ago, but hey, I had to pee!! So I politely told her my reason of going to the bathroom is to not urinate, but I REALLY needed to go to the ladies room. Once again, her answer remained the same. So this time I told her I needed to go to the nurse's office, but I didn't want to tell her why in front of the whole class (there were boys in there!!), so I excused my self out of my desk and up to her desk and said in a very soft tone of voice, but very low, "I think I just started my period!" To my surprise, she hugged me and said, "Oh sweetie, I'm sorry." "Hurry up and go, come back when its necessary!!" I must've ran all the way to the nurse's office because I felt it running down my leg!! Luckily, that day I had on BLACK JEANS!!!!
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