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Men, Meet Menstruation!
Clearly many of us feel the same way: If the guys don't get it, they can't possibly get menstruation (Male Period Comprehension Poll)!

So, ladies , let's help men understand our monthly cycles a little better. What can you say to help men get it, even if a little bit? And, who knows? Maybe it'll lead to 1 less PMS/period joke told today?

Getting to know MANSTRATION

Posted by: jabr on Tue Oct 30, 2007
I compare PMS to what I refer to as MANSTRATION. My bf gets really gassy and bloated from time to time and tells me it feels like a knife is in his stomach; therefore, I was like that is great honey now you know how women feel when they have menstrual cramps (except it is most likely ten times stronger and last longer as well).

Another observation that I have made is that men do not need to know all the exact details describing your cycle, emotions and physical aches and pains. All they need to know is exactly how you feel in a short,honest and blunt way. For example, I feel as if there is a knife in my stomach or I feel really emotional today and leave it at that. I have noticed that most men stop listening after the tenth word anyway, so why waste your time and theirs. If you feel like you need to say more write it down so you don't have to repeat it.
Overall Relate Rating: 6 Ratings


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