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Men, Meet Menstruation!
Clearly many of us feel the same way: If the guys don't get it, they can't possibly get menstruation (Male Period Comprehension Poll)!

So, ladies , let's help men understand our monthly cycles a little better. What can you say to help men get it, even if a little bit? And, who knows? Maybe it'll lead to 1 less PMS/period joke told today?

he knows before I do

Posted by: CW0516 on Sat Mar 29, 2008
So I am really lucky in some ways when it comes to my hubby and my period. First of all he usually knows its coming before I do based on my mood swings alone..hahaha I dont know this at the time because he would never dare to say anything about it...he just lets me know how "plesant" I was that week AFTER its over...hes not stupid he says.

I have not always tracked my periods and since my first day is always very little spotting I dont worry about it much...I just keep some panty liners in my purse, thats why I dont know I am about to start. He says that he might want to ring my neck on those days cause I am being so moody but by the next day of it he has an Oprah AH HA!! moment. After that he just trys to stay out of my way, off my radar, and get me my heating pads, water bottles, Midol, Peanut Butter M&M's, and stay quiet.

I have been with him since I was 16 and I am now 28, so I guess normally I would be the one to get the credit for "training" him to be this sweet and sympathetic, but I have not....he has done all of the above on his own....he is just one of the good ones I guess.

However crappy I feel and however uncomfortable he feels we somehow manage to make a good team once a month.....guess Im taking one for the team...LOL
Overall Relate Rating: 13 Ratings


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