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First Period Experience
Where were you when your first period started? How old were you? Did you talk to your mom, friends? What was your initial reaction? Retrospectively, could it have been different or more positive experience, and, if so, how?

As easy and pleasant as it could have been.

Posted by: katylou on Fri Apr 4, 2008
I had just turned 13, my parents were divorced and we lived with my dad, visiting my mom across country for the summers. I am so glad I got my period in July. I realized that I was growing armpit hair, took a shower and shaved them off. Got out of the shower and got dressed, and felt wierd, damp, and checked my drawers to find out that I was bleeding.
I'd been waiting for my period for a while so I was kind of excited. I found a pad under my moms sink, and waited for her to come home from work. And we went pad shopping.
The best part was my younger brother was teasing me non-stop, and my mom silenced him with "Wait until you get your period." And until I started laughing, he was seriously concerned.
It's funny now how freaked out I was every month buying pads, I'd fling them into the shopping cart and spend the rest of the trip studiously ignoring the cart, and if the check out clerk was a boy, I'd try to pretend that I was actually with the family behind us and what not.
Overall Relate Rating: 4 Ratings


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