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Menstrual Cramp Solutions

What's your solution for menstrual cramps?

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Posted by: carla09 on Nov 25, 2009
Menstrual Cramp Solutions

the bad days

i swear by a hot water bottle and chocolate, i crawl into bed pull all the covers around me and die for about three days and i find a real soppy movie helps with thos weepy days it gives me a reason to cry if anyone asks lol

Overall Relate Rating: 5 Ratings

Posted by: EmGo412 on Nov 2, 2009
Menstrual Cramp Solutions

Menstral Cramp Solution

I know alot of people who do a hot bath or relax in a hot tub. I like to get a hot pad and put it where it hurts or a hot wash cloth and put it on the cramp location, that always help me out.
Also Ibprofen, Midol, sleeping, and squeezing a pillow praying that the pain will just end! Haha

Overall Relate Rating: 5 Ratings

Posted by: phnebel on Oct 23, 2009
Menstrual Cramp Solutions


I stay busy. Do yard work. Go shopping. Whatever I can. If I sit down and watch tv or go for a long drive in the car, I cramp up. I feel like my uterus is about to fall out and I'll die (LOL Really, it hurts that bad, though). If I keep moving around it also helps keep my mind off of it. When I lay in bed, I keep my back curved. If I'm not on my side with a pillow between my legs, I'll go on my tummy, ball the pillow up under me, hunch around it, and snooze (sounds uncomfortable but it works for me!). I don't take painkillers or any special remedy. Just stay occupied.

Overall Relate Rating: 2 Ratings

Posted by: sasstark on Oct 23, 2009
Menstrual Cramp Solutions

Magnesium helps with severe cramps.

My sister in law is a lactation consultant and she recommended MAGNESIUM. Just plain old magnesium. So when I have horrible cramps I take it and helps not only with the cramps, but with mood swings, muscle cramps in legs. I can't believe it is this simple...but it is. There is actually a book out that is all about how helpful magnesium is. It is a simple remedy, but I sure wish I had known about it when I was in high school!

Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings

Posted by: cravingababy on Oct 14, 2009
Menstrual Cramp Solutions

Heat and Midol

Oh man, I have had some bad cramps in my life. I have to use heat! Hot bath, hot towels, heating pad..anything with heat. If no heat and no midol, I can't make it. My periods have always been bad, especially after I got off birth control.

Overall Relate Rating: 2 Ratings

Posted by: still_trying on Jul 18, 2009
Menstrual Cramp Solutions

Various Things I Find Helpful with Cramps

I'm the kind who tries to avoid medication because I don't think that is a long term solution.

What has helped me are a few things including acupuncture treatments, exercise before PMS because both help with blood circulation. Drinking red date soup on a regular basis also helps with blood flow and replenishes my system.

Keep my stomach warm and don't let myself go hungry b/c both of these causes a lot of cramps for me.

I heard drinking hot milk w/ honey also helps but I have not tried that yet.

Sometimes when the pain is really bad and I didn't do any of the above, I would take 200 MG of a pain killer and massage my abdomen with an aromatherapy oil my husband bought from Asia. I tried to find the link of the product but it doesn't work so I can't tell you where to find it but it works even w/o pain killer but takes a while.

Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings

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