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Menstrual Cramp Solutions
What's your solution for menstrual cramps?

Various Things I Find Helpful with Cramps

Posted by: still_trying on Sat Jul 18, 2009
I'm the kind who tries to avoid medication because I don't think that is a long term solution.

What has helped me are a few things including acupuncture treatments, exercise before PMS because both help with blood circulation. Drinking red date soup on a regular basis also helps with blood flow and replenishes my system.

Keep my stomach warm and don't let myself go hungry b/c both of these causes a lot of cramps for me.

I heard drinking hot milk w/ honey also helps but I have not tried that yet.

Sometimes when the pain is really bad and I didn't do any of the above, I would take 200 MG of a pain killer and massage my abdomen with an aromatherapy oil my husband bought from Asia. I tried to find the link of the product but it doesn't work so I can't tell you where to find it but it works even w/o pain killer but takes a while.
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