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Menstrual Cramp Solutions

What's your solution for menstrual cramps?

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Posted by: greeneyedgoddess on Jul 14, 2009
Menstrual Cramp Solutions

My cure:)

Just today I got a visit from AF right when I woke up. (What a way to wake up eh?) I took an Extra Strength Advil(Ibruprofen)and made myself a tea which is what I usually do once I get my period to relieve the pain or else I get pains that'll make me turn white, sweat and tear. Today it did not seem to work, so what I did was I went into the washroom and put on the shower. The heat from the shower made a sauna like enviroment which already started to help. I then took a hot shower, got out and immeditely got dressed in warm clothing and layed down with blankets to keep warm. Within 5-10 mins the pain was completely gone. It was the fastest relief I've ever gotten!

Overall Relate Rating: 3 Ratings

Posted by: CandieMama on Jun 25, 2009
Menstrual Cramp Solutions

Try Calcium for Cramps

Hi there,

Try calcium to help with your cramping. I have debilitating uterine and back cramps, and even prescription strength pain killers don't completely relieve my symptoms. You can get the calcium via a supplement (I like calcium citrate with D added for absorption), food such as dairy products, or calcium fortified items such as orange juice with calcium added. Take it with whatever pain killer you are taking, as soon as the pain begins. I don't actually know the science behind this but it's helped me tremendously!!

Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings

Posted by: jacks1025 on Mar 15, 2009
Menstrual Cramp Solutions

Back Pain

My problem is not with cramps, but with back pain towards the end of AF. I work 2 jobs which require me to be on my feet a lot and my back sometimes hurts so bad i can barely walk anymore. Painkillers and heating pads dont seem to be cutting it. Does anyone else have this problem and what do you do to fix it?

Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings

Posted by: elise778 on Dec 29, 2008
Menstrual Cramp Solutions

No Medicine Solution!

I don't know if this will work with everyone but it sure is worth a try.
I'm not into taking medicine for anything really, so what i found to work the best was a heating pad, some chamomile tea, and yoga.

Yep, when i get cramps i stretch, i do a lot of yoga i just make sure i dont move too fast.

The heating pad is also great for when you just dont feel like moving.
And the chamomile tea helps you fall asleep at night; because I can't sleep with cramps, i will be up at 2am because it hurts so bad.

Rest is the best thing you can do. Rest, and don't stress yourself. Put on some mellow music, stretch and relax. stress will only increase the pain level.

Overall Relate Rating: 2 Ratings

Posted by: tara240 on Nov 8, 2008
Menstrual Cramp Solutions

Methods I've used to deal w/ endo cramps.

I was diagnosed with endometriosis at 16, and like many women with this disease, have dealt with debilitating cramps that literally bring tears to my eyes. I actually went to my doctor to talk about what I could do alternative to using birth control pills, and he gave me a prescription for a strong anti-inflammatory Anaprox (which is basically just a prescription strength Aleve) and told me to start it up to a week before my period was due, to help alleviate some of the pain. I always make sure to be on time with the doses. I really feel for those ladies who are allergic to NSAIDs, because Tylenol and even stronger pain killers just never alleviated the pain enough for me. Even though it doesn't take all of my cramps away, I do notice the difference if I don't use them, my periods are significantly worse. I use the heating pad and hot baths for the entire time and even a week before when I'm experiencing bad ovarian pain. The problem I used to have was when I had to go into work, I couldn't take my heating pad with me and I would have to deal with the cramps. Now they make these heat patches that stick to your underwear, and you can't see them at all under your clothes. They work for 8-12 hours just like a portable heating pad. I don't remember how I managed to get thru a day of work without these!

Overall Relate Rating: 2 Ratings

Posted by: amy1234 on Oct 7, 2008
Menstrual Cramp Solutions


I don't get cramps anymore, since I had my baby but when I did, I took 2 Advils and could function again.

Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings

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